Persian Food Festival

Persian Food Festival

Indulge in Persian Delights: Where Flavor Meets Tradition!

Persian Food Festival2024-06-18T13:56:25+00:00

The Second Persian Food Festival

August 3,4, and 5, Civic Holidays 2024, Richmond Green Park Located at 1300 Elgin Mills Rd E, Richmond Hill, ON L4S 1M5, Canada

The 2nd Persian Food Festival in Toronto, which will be held from Aug. 3 to 5, 2024, is poised to be an even greater success following the overwhelming reception of last year’s event, which drew over 40,000 attendees.

Celebrated as the biggest and most successful Persian festival in the city, this vibrant event promises to immerse visitors in the rich tapestry of Persian culture, music, and cuisine.

Join us for 3 days of  nforgettable experiences, where the aroma of traditional Persian dishes, the rhythm of captivating music, and the warmth of cultural festivities come together to celebrate the heritage and joy of the Persian community.

Experience the Best of Persian Cuisine and Culture

Toronto is a vibrant mosaic of ethnicities and cultures, and its true strength lies in diversity. Tens of thousands of Persian Torontonians call the city their home, preserving their customs and culture while welcoming all non-Persian neighbors, friends, and colleagues with open hearts and minds.

To celebrate Toronto’s multiculturalism, we invite people from all walks of life and backgrounds to join us for a fun-filled Three-day event in August 3, 4 and 5, 2024, showcasing Persian food, music, and culture. Shier Media is proud to host the Persian Food Festival at the heart of Richmond Hill, with free admission for all. Bring your family and friends to enjoy live entertainment and, of course, the delicious Persian cuisine at the beautiful grounds of Richmond Green.

Celebration of Persian Culture and Cuisine

While the 2024 Persian Food Festival is primarily focused on celebrating Persian cuisine, culture, and traditions, we also strive to promote diversity and inclusivity across the globe.

By inviting people from different backgrounds and cultures to join us at the festival, we hope to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere that celebrates the diversity of our community.

We believe that diversity is one of the fundamental pillars of our society and that by embracing it, we can build stronger and more interconnected communities.

We hope that by attending the 2024 Persian Food Festival, you can experience and appreciate the richness of Persian culture and cuisine, while also celebrating the diversity that makes our world so unique.

Why the Persian Food Festival?

There are many reasons why you should join the Persian Food Festival

Experience Persian Cuisine

The festival provides a unique opportunity to experience Persian cuisine, music, and culture, which can be an enriching and memorable experience.

Free Admission

The festival is completely free to attend, making it accessible to everyone regardless of their financial situation.

Celebrate Persian Culture

The festival is a celebration of Persian culture, offering visitors the chance to learn more about the history and traditions of this vibrant community.

Family-Friendly Fun

The festival is a great place for families to spend time together, with activities and entertainment suitable for all ages.

Explore Our Sponsorship Opportunities

Are you interested in becoming a sponsor for our Persian Food Festival?

Call  416-723-1179  to discover the exciting opportunities and promotions and get a better price by calling early!

Frequently asked questions

What is the Persian Food Festival?2023-04-19T01:38:42+00:00

The Persian Food Festival is a celebration of Persian cuisine, culture, and music. It’s a family-friendly event that showcases the best of Persian food and hospitality.

Can I bring my own food and drinks to the festival?2023-04-18T20:08:31+00:00

Outside food and drinks are not allowed at the festival. However, there will be a wide variety of delicious Persian food and beverages available for purchase at the event.

Is admission free?2023-04-18T20:08:03+00:00

Yes, admission to the festival is completely free!

When and where is the festival taking place?2024-05-31T17:27:45+00:00

The festival will occur on August 3, 3, and  5  2024, at Richmond Green Park in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada.

Is the festival wheelchair accessible?2023-04-18T20:08:50+00:00

Yes, the festival is fully accessible to wheelchair users and individuals with mobility impairments.

Are pets allowed at the festival?2023-04-18T20:09:01+00:00

No, pets are not allowed at the festival (with the exception of service animals).

Can I volunteer at the festival?2023-04-18T20:09:37+00:00

Yes, the festival is always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help out with various tasks. Please contact the event organizer for more information on how to get involved.

Who can I contact for more information about the festival?2023-04-20T15:00:45+00:00

Please call 416-723-1179 for more information about the festival.


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